Monday, March 5, 2012

Joe's outside news stories

I'm going to Ft.Myers Florida over break so i am thinking of interviewing people about how they came to work  at the hotel and came to live down their.

I may also interview people on any recent local activities or any upcoming events which occur in the area.

I also might interview people on how they like living in Florida, how long they have been living there and how the weather is throughout the year.

Dylan's off campus story ideas

1. My town is having its 300th birthday over march break

2. I could find out if my brothers are having interesting ideas going on at school and write an article about that

3. My little brother recently placed 2nd in the state championship for his hockey team.

Natalie's Off-Campus Story Ideas

I'm going to Key West for break, so I could do something about the Ernest Hemingway house down there, and events that have taken place there

I could also interview a friend who recently went to Belarus to compete in the Junior World Championships, and represented Australia.

I could write an article about how tourism in the southern areas that depend heavily on tourism are affected by the recession and current economic status.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

3 Outside Stories

1. I could interview people in Disney World and ask workers how they got to work at Disney and the story behind that.
2. I could also write a story about swim coaches and there goals and life in general since I'm going to a big swim meet over break.
3. I could also interview people at Disney World and get like a review from them on how they think the park is and how they think it's changed over the years.

Outside News Storys

1. The recent police activity in West Hartford like the increased speed traps and lookouts for drunk driving and driving without a seatbelt.

2. The Relay for Life held it's kick-off event in BlueBack Square.

3. The rebuilding of the rose arches in Elizabeth Park.

Reilly's Off Campus Ideas

1. Bristol schools are considering cutting their arts programs, specifically music, to make way and increase funding for special ed programs.

2. The results of the 10 Republican Primaries on Super Tuesday. Mitt Romney against Rick Santorum (basically- they are the top two candidates). What does the general Republican party want, in terms of abortion, seeing that they are both Pro-Life yet Romney will keep abortions legal (on a federal level) while Santorum supports the federal ban of abortion.

3.Weather. The lack of snow impacting ski resorts for the worst, and the predicted drought conditions this summer, possibly making it into the record books.

Outside News Stories

1. The West hartford Hall Conard team just won State Championships, which has not happened in a while.

2. Solar panles are becoming very popular in West Hartford, many schools and buildings have it, and many more are getting them applied, there is a town hall meeting about it soon, could get more info about that.

3. Where is all of our money going? Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the Stimulus. Its purpose was to create jobs and get the struggling economy back on track. But has it made an impact in Connecticut?

Friday, March 2, 2012

Outside News Story

Over break, I am going on vacation to Disney World in Florida, so I was thinking about writing some news stories there:

1. I could explore the ways that the monorail is an effective way of transportation. It has been famous throughout Europe because it has been an efficient and effective way of getting around, and Disney has recently put in a new one.

2. I can write an article about airplane travel and how it can be improved and how it has recently changed because of new laws (the new TSA monitors and full-body scanners when going through security).

3. I can write an interview about Harry Potter World because it is an upcoming and new place that is really popular. I can interview people and ask what they like about it, and what they think could be improved.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

3 Ideas For Outside School Story

  • Ski Patrol Rescue Dogs- I'm going to Big Sky, MT for March break. They have many snow dogs to help the ski patrol there. Possible questions- effectiveness, change, etc
  • Marine Animals @ atlantis- I'm going there for a couple days during the last week of march break. The resort is home to many hands on marine activities. Possible questions- liked, bring customers, etc
  • FontaineBleau re-do- I'm going there in the end of April for my grandpa's birthday. Fontaine Bleau was closed for a while, now reopened. Possible questions- cater to celebrities, grandness, success

Reilly's First News Story

Saving Our Planet: One Prep School at a Time

Science Teacher Lisa Bailey and Middle School English Teacher Nancy Horowitz flooded campus with new recycling bins the day before returning to school after winter break. The bright royal blue buckets can be found in nearly every classroom or hallway and in some offices. Not only are these containers now easier to find, they are also simpler to use. With single-stream recycling, all recyclable materials can be tossed into a single bucket. Even bottles and cans can be put in the same bin as paper, although there are still containers for only bottles and cans.
Co-President of the Club Green Team, sophomore Keenan Line, said that the team was not very involved with the planning of the new bins, and that the teachers were the ones who were responsible for this. The Community Sustainability Initiative Group were the people who suggested the idea of putting new bins over school.
The group decided to do this for mostly environmental reasons. They figured that more students would recycle if the bins were more commonly seen around campus and easier to use. The C.S.I. also wanted to make recycling a community effort, and thought that each advisee group should take ownership over their own recycling.
The bins are simpler to use now because they are single-stream, found nearly everywhere, and there are signs near every bin illustrating what is recyclable. This is used as a little reminder, and assists students into recycling correctly. In fact, some bins are not blue, but instead covered in a laminated piece of paper with the rules to recycling. Mrs. Bailey thought that these bins stood out more, and were extremely helpful.
The other reason the bins were put around school was because the recycling system in West Hartford switched to single-stream, and it would be much simpler to have single-stream bins as well.
Keenan said that the Green Team, along with the other Co-President, sophomore Allie Stanton, considered having a school wide competition for recycling, either by advisee group or by grade. They would track the efforts of each group by assigning each party a bin and checking how much recyclable material was placed in the trash, and how much trash was tossed in the recycling bins.
She said that the team also has a few other ideas to increase environmental efforts. The team is planning on soon switching the single-use paper cups to reusable hard-plastic water bottles. “The bins were just a start,” she said, “I wanted to get rid of [plastic] water bottles,” Mrs. Bailey said. Though, she feels that the best thing that the school can do right now to increase environmental endeavors is to continue increasing the awareness of what to recycle.
As to the progress of the new bins so far, Keenan thought that the kids were recycling more because they are further informed about what materials are recyclable compared to what is not. However, we do not know for sure if the bins are working because Mrs. Bailey said that so far no one has been measuring the amount of material recycled. The only measuring system the school currently has is Mrs. Bailey occasionally checking the bins; she finds that there are much more recyclable materials in the bins than before the new bins and posters were out.
The Middle School has received just as much attention to recycling as the Upper School, as Mrs. Horowitz is another member of the C.S.I. and teaches Middle School English.